New York Stock Exchange

Recently I have been learning about stocks, their inner workings, and how to trade them. I am currently day trading and I am well aware of the risk. I just thought it would be a cool niche to get into so I started my journey by devising a plan.

The Plan:

Well, I would love to say this plan worked right away however, it didn't. It wasnt the fault of the plan itself it was me, when the market opened I had abandoned the plan and just went for double and trippling my money... It didn't work that way. However, as I went on I got better at trading and now my account is at slightly positive. I dont really do it for the money more of a learning thing of how the stock market works. If you would like to learn I recommend Investopedia.


Famous Quote

“How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.” — Robert G. Allen

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